Gordon Baker

Gordon and his wife Tricia grew up in New Zealand, became residents in the US in 2006, and US citizens in 2015. They have been married for over 50 years and are the proud parents of two adult children and one grandson.

Life experiences have ranged over school teaching, both elementary and high school, information technology, missionary experience in a number of nations, and even a spell at cab driving! Besides therapy, Gordon reads, teaches and writes on marriage and parenting, sexuality and romance. Sometimes he fits in emails to family, a weekend away with Tricia or occasionally some mountain rambling, jogging or cycling!


Licensed in the State of Connecticut as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Gordon has been practicing in West Hartford for over 10 years. His clients are adults and young people, couples and singles. At Richmont Graduate University he received special training in Sex Therapy, a specialization that is often called for in marital therapy.


It is hard to miss the contrast between sex as reflected in 21st Century culture, and the amazing gift of sex as designed for us by our Creator. Repairing sexually damaged lives is a feature of Gordon’s therapy and his teaching and writing help to undo the distortions of the world we live in. It is encouraging to note the growing number of writers and speakers who are revealing how deeply significant is the gift of sex, and how damaged lives become when we are ignorant of God’s design.

Besides vision-raising among young people in teaching seminars, Gordon is excited by the publication of a novel, “A Thousand Tears from Home”. Set in post-WWII New Zealand, it tells the story of two women, and how romance plays out for each.